A Simple Guide To Gold Digging

A Simple Guide To Gold Digging

Here is a simple guide to gold digging to clear up any confusion about why it's wrong and why its a one sided benefit.

In a normal relationship, it looks like this:

A. What the man receives from the woman:
1. Love
2. Relatability
3. Company
4. Sex
5. Entertainment
6. Loyalty
7. Half of his monthly bills covered
8. Childcare
9. Her cleaning up her own messes
10. Only having to cook half the time

B. What the woman receives from the man:
1. Love
2. Relatability
3. Company
4. Sex
5. Entertainment
6. Loyalty
7. Half of her monthly bills covered
8. Childcare
9. Him cleaning up his own messes
10. Only having to cook half the time

Now in a gold digger relationship, it looks like this:

A. What the man receives from the woman:
1. Love
2. Relatability
3. Company
4. Sex
5. Entertainment
6. Loyalty
7. None of his monthly bills covered
8. Childcare
9. Her cleaning up her own messes
10. Only having to cook half the time

B. What the woman receives from the man:
1. Love
2. Relatability
3. Company
4. Sex
5. Entertainment
6. Loyalty
7. All of her monthly bills covered
8. Childcare.
9. Him cleaning up his own messes
10. Only having to cook half the time

See the problem?

Now men can also be gold diggers, but its rare, and you can just reverse the second half in your head because I'm not making this any longer.

Some might also give the "stay at home mom/dad" argument, but the problem with that, is in the end, both parents NEED to spend enough time raising their kid, and also some people don't even want to have kids at all, and unless you're obscenely rich, dual incomes are needed to raise a child.

A Simple Guide To Gold Digging
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