10 Things To Know About Valentines Day


10 Things To Know About Valentine's Day<br />
We all have our opinion about this day, so here are 10 things to know and understand about Valentine's Day.

1) All holidays originate from somewhere. Saint Valentine is where everything all started from. The day was meant to honor him and his association with love. Like many holidays though, we turned into something it was never meant to be.

2) Childhood innocents makes things more fun. I loved Valentine's Day as a kid, it was fun. I liked picking out the Valentine's cards and making the Valentine's boxes and the parties we had at school. It was simple and uncomplicated, nothing to dwell on except having fun. Being an adult changes all that. You spend more time worrying about making everything perfect, than enjoying it

3) Diamonds aren't always a girls best friend. People make all these lists of gift ideas for what to get a woman on Valentine's Day. However, not every woman is the same or likes the same things or has the same tastes. So, if a man does buy his girl a gift on this day. It should be something he knows she wants and not something from a list that tells you what she's suppose to want. Besides, not all girls care about bikini season and won't care if you buy them chocolate. Others, might. So, it depends on the girl in question

4) Gifts don't equal love. We've seem to have conditioned people to believe that if you buy someone something on this day, that it shows your love. When really, it doesn't necessarily mean they love you. Anybody can buy you a gift for a holiday written on a calendar, but not everybodies going to be there at the weakest most vulunable times in your life. Something to keep in mind.

5) You shouldn't need one day a year to show a person that you love them. My favorite thing about this time of year, is the ridiculous phrase "it's the one day of the year you get to show the one you love how much you love them". Now, that's just sad. Every day of the week in some little small gesture you should show that person what they mean to you, not just one day of a year.

6) Not liking Valentine's Day doesn't mean you'll be unappreciative. There's a lot of people who don't like this day. Some would get upset or offended, if their significant other got them something or wanted to do something on that day. Others (like myself), don't really care about this day. I can take it or leave it, but I wouldn't be a jerk and throw a child like sized hissy fit, if the person wanted to make the day special for us. I would still appreciate what they did, for me. So, not all anti-Valentines Day people are the same.

7) It's the thought that counts. Much like Christmas, where people spend half the year dropping hints for gift ideas. Women like to drop hints has to how they would like to spend Valentine's Day. Which, kind of takes the joy out of surprising a person. No one likes a Hitler in a relationship. So, rememeber that it's the thought that counts and whatever they got you, came from the the heart and with good intentions.

8) Sometimes, you just know. The couples that celebrate Valentine's Day, sometimes criticise the ones that don't. They think there's "touble in paradise" or something. When really, it's nothing like that at all. Some people, just know they love each other and don't need fancy dinners to prove other wise. Some couples have been through hell and back together and standing by each others side through it all, is proof enough. And, some couples have been married soooo long that they figure "if you don't know I love you, by now. Me buying flowers isn't going to change that".

9) Technically, it's an exchange of goods and services. When you think about it and break it down. All Valentine's Day really is (in my opinion), is an exchange of goods and services. The goods, are the gifts the men give the women. The services, is the sex the women give the man. So, basically it's a day for women to get free stuff and men to get laid. Doesn't sound so romantic when you break it down, does it?

10) Love is what it's a about. Valentine's Day's sole purpose has been, love. However, over time the purpose of the holiday has got a little lost in translation. So, on a day that's suppose to be about love. Remember the following. A) Respect each other and the choice to celebrate or not celebrate the holiday. B) Love is a beautiful thing, it truly is. Sometimes love is stronger then anything else and it should be appreciated and shown as often as possible, not just one day a year.

10 Things To Know About Valentines Day

10 Things To Know About Valentines Day
9 Opinion