I'm in love with my cousins ex husband and I don't know what to do?

They have been divorced for 5 years, no children and originally married for military benefits (not stating that to condone my behaviour) I'm sure he feels the same way. He has said it. My cousin would feel horrible if I told her and it would be chaos for my family. So I'm choosing to stay away from him but it's so hard I see him at family functions and just keep it courgial. This would be the worst thing I have ever done in my life. I have been loyal to her more then she ever has been to me. She has another man that she lives with who she left him for. I feel so bad but I can't help my feelings so I'm here just to get some advice from random strangers. since I have nobody else to talk to. everytime I try to date another man, their he is again. He's my good friend as we'll. Any advice?
I'm in love with my cousins ex husband and I don't know what to do?
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