So how's it like in your relationship?
Who's the Dominant One in Your Relationship?
So how's it like in your relationship?
When it comes to pathetic things like what restaurant should we go to I sit back but when it's more important then my girlfriend looks at me like a lost puppy and looking for my male leadership/dominant instinct. This is where I trump her. Im a little like your boyfriend I let her say she's mentally strong but in her mind she knows she's my bitch (metaphorically) and if im not happy it doesn't happen. Plus when I raise my voice just a tad to emphasize why something is a better option she agrees immediately because she thinks I know what im doing. The only time id ever let her dominate is in the bed room for little before I get aggressive again.
I like that. You're definitely 100% dominate male, but you know how to lead. Your girlfriend is very lucky.
I honestly don't feel like my relationship has a boss, as such.
There are things that she's in charge of, and there are things that I'm in charge of. It's not something that we ever decided on; that's just the way it is.
She will automatically defer to me, and I'll automatically defer to her, depending on what the issue is.
That's cool, two equal partners in crime :3
My boyfriend is. He's older than me so he generally controls finance, and he dominates in the bedroom. The only place I dominate is the kitchen (I make a killer sandwich)
Sounds like a cute relationship
I prefer the guy to wear the pants in the relationship. Also be the dominant one :)
Yeah, i love a manly man who's naturally in charge.. especially in the bedroom 😉
Ahhh someone who gets me :) *high five*
Lol *high fives*
He wears the pants but I tell him which pair to put on.
Lol xD
I like dominating women/ girls , sometimes a girl will dominate me
i say oh wow i love that type of woman hahhaha
* I like women who are dominating
Lol u like a woman in charge. Cool
Yep i do :p ;p
I try very hard not to dominate but I have a very powerful personality and I tend to fill any vacant space. I definitely can not be dominated.
Oolalaa, you sound exactly like the heros in the romance novels i love reading about
I don't do brooding, even though I have the eyebrows for it. Closer to Sherlock Holmes (from the stories not the TV series or movies) than Heathcliffe.
My girlfriend is the controller in how relationship. I am forced to respect that, and at the end of the day i need my girlfriends approval to watch 30 minutes of sports. She says sports provide me with no benfits mentally, and encourages violence. Who is dominant in ours? ...
Lol are u for real? I'm sorry you're forced to be her submissive... unless u like it then ca sa ra sa ra
i am she can't talk her name is barbell i like to lift her up and down a lot
Lol cute answer. Keep up the good work, buddy
thanks i guess you know what im talking about
Yes i do. It means you work out. :p
ya do you workout?
Eh, kinda
She's just got a more dominant personality. Our relationship is very fair but only because she's a fair person.
Do u find dominant females more sexier than the ones that are more obedient?
I don't know about sexier, but I can't really cope with being the dominant one. I just feel uncomfortable and it usually ends in us being friends which is fine because by that point any lust or romantic feelings are usually exhausted. In bed I definitely find someone who takes the reigns and is more of a taker than a giver more attractive though if that's what you mean
That's pretty cool :3
I CAN be the dom if I wanted to, and I do when i feel I have to be, but most of the time she's wearing the pants.
You let her wear your crown. I bet she really appreciates that :3 Most girls do.
What do you mean, I let her wear my crown.
In other words, you're the king... kings wear crowns... you let your girlfriend wear your crown
I'm dominant, and I love it.
You go girl!
My right hand? :/ sad life :(
:( nuuuu!
:( :'(
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