Why does my girlfriend always talk about herself and others? Is this normal for women or what?

I know woman are more emtional beings than guys but well whenever im with my girlfriend she rarely asks me questions about me or my past. Not that i like talking about myself but it makes someone feel like you dont matter.

She has a pretty hard time with her ex leaving her and her daughter 4 years ago when she was still a baby ago but since then she has grown over it. However she still talks about it often, especially now that he has a kid with someone else. I dont mind her venting but its always the same story.

Yesterday i sat at her place and she started talking about her online best friend, some guy i know everything about without ever meeting him. she keeps telling me the same story about him over and over. Stuff thats all irrelevant to me. i even know what his ex his name is. again i dont mind her telling me stuff about friends but she doesn't even notice that im not responding as i dont care.

the reason i dont care is that she never asks stuff about me or talks about us. I want to talk to her about us, things we want to do, to make plans for the future like saving money. etc.. Last time i asked her about some other dude she kept referring to, chris, some online guy she met. Chris likes these clothes, chris does that, he like sushi. all kinds of shit that i dont care about.

I really love her and i know she loves me to, she does appreciate the things i do but again, i feel like i sometimes dont matter. i know i do matter to her but somehow she doesn't realize that all this is irrelevant to me.

is this normal behaviour for women talking about themselves and others so often?
Why does my girlfriend always talk about herself and others? Is this normal for women or what?
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