I'm 25M I hate my life cause I'm a virgin still who's never had a girlfriend I'm ugly fat and short and my life sucks cause hot women don't want me?

I'm 25. I'm fat ugly amd short. never a girlfriend or kissed still a virgin and no attractive women like me. I have a horrible life because women like Ria Ciuffo don't want me. All my friends have attractive girlfriends and wives i want their lives. My life sucks every girl i liked has rejected me and friendzoned me and everybody tells me my league is fat ugly girls even my dad told me date ugly fat girls so my life sucks if i lose weight and still can't attract a good looking woman then i wasted my time I don't want to lose a hundred pounds just to have to end up dating an unattractive woman still or a woman who is hardly plain looking or average and its like all i am gonna hear is this
"if you lose weight and don't get a hot girlfriend then I'm sorry but you gotta date the ugly ones and get use to it"

The girl i had feelings for in high school but who friendzoned me got married to a guy who cheated on her with a teacher She started dating him when me and her were seniors and he was a freshman he was caught sexting a teacher caught on the news and now the girl I want is marrying him and A TEACHER HERSELF

She would use me as the shoulder to cry on and then when she was done crying to me she would have me go away and then she would go back to him after I'm not saying it wasn't my own fault but to some degree I was used emotionally

and now everybody is happy that they're getting married it's like I'm living in the Twilight Zone that people forget that he cheated on her with the teacher and got caught on the news.

Then five years ago when my mom passed away everybody I knew gave me their condolences even people I didn't like but they still were decent enough to tell me their condolences all except her she didn't even give me a my condolences at the minimum despite her feeding me lies saying how me and her were such close good friends. I go to therapy partially for this experience.
I'm 25M I hate my life cause I'm a virgin still who's never had a girlfriend I'm ugly fat and short and my life sucks cause hot women don't want me?
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