Girl tells me she loves me and then runs away?

Been seeing this girl for the past month on and off. I gave her a nice but not too expensive ring about 2 weeks ago and she liked it a lot, she told me she loved me and it has been years since anyone gave her a ring. We are both older, 36, she lives at home with her mother who is sick and she partially takes care of her but also has some resentment towards her. I was talking about us moving in together. Well, this girl was very forward with me, and I liked her a lot so we hooked up a couple times after I gave her that ring and exchanged "I love yous". For about 5 days everything was great and then she told me she "can't be in a relationship right now" because she is between jobs generally because she feels like she doesn't have her life together. This is after promising me the world, not just telling me she loves me, but saying that when she came back to NY (where we live, she was living in FL briefly) she would "meet a great guy" and that guy was me. It turned out we went to the same church growing up and a couple Sundays ago we even went to church together and had a great day. She was calling me her boyfriend, even called me "hubby cubby" at one point. Then after we saw each other the last time, last week she became distant and after a few days said she "just wants to be friends". She said she had so much love to give me. She has also said that she is afraid that my ex girlfriend is going to come to my house and "interrupt us". My ex girlfriend who I broke up with about a month and a half ago was indeed calling me frequently from different numbers after I blocked up. Finally I answered one of her texts and told her not to contact me anymore and that I have moved on since I do love this new girl. I told the new girl that I told my ex never to contact me again and now she hasn't but the new girl is still not contacting me. I am very torn up over this. What should I do? wait longer? It's been six days since she stopped talking to me. Do I send flowers? Go to her house a'knockin'? :(
+1 y
Thanks for the feedback everyone, wasn't expecting so much. Having flowers sent over, I think that's the best thing to do too. Someone mentioned there could be another "rich guy", lol, I'm definitely not rich, but I don't think there's another guy in the picture, and it is more hang ups she has as someone else mentioned, at least that is what my feeling is though you always get a little paranoid.
+1 y
Also, would be interested in hearing more perspectives from the ladies. I don't think she is using me, she even said to my suggestion about us moving in together "then I would just be using you since I have nothing financially to offer", so I think her feelings of love towards me are genuine. I forgot the chocolates unfortunately, that would have been good though :|
Girl tells me she loves me and then runs away?
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