Walking away from the friendzone and an intimate friendship?

I am deep, deep in the friendzone with a girl who is my best friend and who spends a lot of time with me as she doesn’t have a wide circle of girlfriends or a particularly close female friend either. We do a lot of stuff for each other and gradually over the months I’ve fallen in love with her -she’s not just physically attractive but a lovely girl who is caring and kind and a great sense of humour. I am 90% sure she isn’t ‘in’ to me, she’s described her type to me and I don’t quite fit it, not to mention she’s slept around with guys all the while. I’m fairly certain she may have an inkling I like her but I don’t know, I’ve heard girls have a good idea of who likes them. Spending so much time with her but feeling the way I do is sending me mad. And I know that once I let my feelings known to her then it will be a toxic friendship on both sides as I will have extensive contact with someone I have unrequited love for and she with someone she knows fancies her and might feel as though any positive gestures could be romantically charged. I think the best course of action would be to cut the cord, though I she deserves to know why which will be a hard conversation. I’m aware this is cruel and will be hard for the both of us as we rely a lot on each other for emotional support and generally enjoy spending time together like cooking, going for walks or even just sat on the couch watching films. She’s emotionally fragile and I know that walking away will be damaging to both of us.
Walking away from the friendzone and an intimate friendship?
2 Opinion