What's The Biggest Thing You Think "People" Don't Understand About Relationships?

Whats The Biggest Thing You Think People Dont Understand About Relationships?
People is in quotations because this is not an invitation to gender bash men or women, because both are making mistakes in relationships, not just one gender or the other
Found this article that goes over the 5 stages of relationships. Here's an insert and the link to said article:
June 21, 2020
The five stages of a relationship are the Merge, Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, the Decision, and Wholehearted Love. Every single relationship moves through these five stages—though not only once. Think of these stages not as steppingstones to a final outcome but rather as a series of seasons that we move through in an eternal cycle.
Whats The Biggest Thing You Think People Dont Understand About Relationships?
Whats The Biggest Thing You Think People Dont Understand About Relationships?
+1 y
Guess link didn't work trying again, if still doesn't work, article can be found at mindbodygreen (if you Google relationships, should pop up)
What's The Biggest Thing You Think "People" Don't Understand About Relationships?
66 Opinion