Gamers and guys (and girls), can you please give me some tips on how to be a better girlfriend?

My boyfriend is on discord with his friends like 10 hours a day, and he plays video games a few hours per day. I have a slight problem with it mainly because 1. It’s become a habit, 2. Because his habits are getting worse, we have less time to hang out. We’ve only been dating about 6 months, and when we first started dating, he wasn’t really gaming per-say. I don’t game, so I don’t know the gaming mojo very well. His sleep schedule is really unhealthy (goes to bed at 4am, wakes up at 12pm). Am I selfish to be concerned? I know it’s his private time, but I feel like his habits are slowly going to turn into an addiction. We don’t talk as much as we used to on the phone, his attitude is more vulgar and negative—I’ve noticed, his motivation towards certain things has changed. We see eachother on a few weeks days and sometimes the weekend, but he is constantly checking discord, going through insta, watching YouTube, and playing games. I want to be a good supportive girlfriend. If we move in together someday, I don’t want his gaming habits and sleep schedule to be a disruption. What should I do?
Gamers and guys (and girls), can you please give me some tips on how to be a better girlfriend?
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