Am I weird for wanting hugs from my guy pal at wok?

I basically initiated hugs 2 x now. He did it the first time we ever hugged though. So basically i hugged hugged him cuz it was his bday. Then recently i felt sad cuz he told me 'todays my last daym ill be gone for two months then ill be back'. Lmao i got sad! I am a toucher person so my first instinct is ok I WANT A HUG. xD. I don't know i mean he came up to me saying 'todays my last day' sooo it was almost lile he wanted affection of SOME sort. he's an outgoing guy in general though so maybe im reading into it. But yeah. HE WANTED ME TO KNOW IT WAS HIS LAST DAY.

Come on tell me im not crazy for asking for a hug from him?
I knew i was gonna miss him. which is ironic cuz there's been weeks gone by that i have ignored him at work cuz he made me hurt. But now its like 2 months just seems like forever and i felt closer to him lately. Oh by the way he has a girlfriend but i am not trying to steal him or do any cheating so dont come at me with that angle. I just felt sad he's gonna be gone. HE PROBABLY MADE ME FEEL SAD BY STOPPING ME TO TELL ME ITS HIS LAST DAY. IF HE didn't DO THAT AND REMIND ME ITS HIS LAST DAY, I PROBABLY wouldn't HAVE NEEDED A HUG OR WALKED AWAY SECRETLY IN TEARS.
Am I weird for wanting hugs from my guy pal at wok?
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