She's gone cold on me. What should I do?

I (27) met this girl (25) six months ago, we became good friends, and recently she came to my apartment, we watched tv, and made out. She said she liked it but was confused about us, and that was it.

Two days afterwards, she came home (again) and we made out (again), when she left I said I liked her and she said she liked me too.

The next day so I asked how she was doing cause I intended to ask her out, and she just said "Busy". I know she's about to get published and working on it so I let it rest for a couple of days. Texted her again today (4 days have passed), and got one-liners and one-worders.

I honestly don't get it, why would she kiss me on different occasions, say she liked me and then treat me like this? I mean, we are not strangers, we are friends. Does she really care so little for our friendship/relationship? Even if she realized she has got no romantic feelings for me, I'd like to remain friends with her.

This immature attitude just makes me want to delete her contact info and be done with it.
What should I do? Should I ask her what's going on inside her head? Or should I just completely stop contact?
She's gone cold on me. What should I do?
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