AITA for telling our friend to stop wearing my boyfriend's clothes?

My boyfriend and I were introduced by my best friend. She was dating his friend and met him about 3 months before me. My boyfriend and I have been together about 3 years. Her, my boyfriend and her boyfriend were staying at the same place for a bit. When she ran out of clothes she went to my boyfriend's room and borrowed some of his clothes without asking. I came over to hang our with her and saw her wearing the shirt I had just got for his bday. I asked her not to borrow his clothes anymore as it made feel uncomfortable because it felt like she doesn't acknowledge that he's my boyfriend and not just her friend. My boyfriend says it was weird but not deep enough to say anything about but I feel it crossed boundaries. Was I wrong?
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AITA is "Am I the Assbole?"
AITA for telling our friend to stop wearing my boyfriend's clothes?
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