My best friend and boyfriend don’t like each other and should I feel like a bad friend?

they were friends before! But over time my boyfriend just didn’t like her personality and I think he felt she was not to be trusted if it was just me and her going out since she was pretty sexually out there. One day she saw a text where me and him were kinda arguing and he called her a slut. Me and her were going to a rave at the time. She laughed it off at the time but years later she told me that actually hurt her feelings, and while she didn’t dislike my boyfriend she did feel uncomfortable around him. And I get it, I’ve told her I understand. I’ve talked to him about it and told him the situation, which she knows as well. He seemed embarrassed and told me he was being an ass but didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. He hasn’t apologized though. He hardly sees her since we’re currency doing long distance. And they’re civil around each other! But I don't know, I feel weird and as much as I love my partner, I can’t help but feel like a bad friend for being with him if he hurt my friends feelings. What should I do? I’ve known her for 10 years and been with home for 5
1 y
I do want to add they do get along now and he’ll now call her in certain events about concert tickets, what do get for me for a gift, etc. but he just hasn’t given her that apology.
My best friend and boyfriend don’t like each other and should I feel like a bad friend?
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