Is it a red flag if a woman wants too many pets?


So, I'm talking with a woman who I seem to be on the same page with about so many things. Our personalities, what brings us peace, what we're looking for, whether to have kids, etc.; we agree on lots of important things. I enjoy talking with her a great deal. She is my dream girl in so many ways. We agree on so much that I'm actually somewhat concerned that she might just be telling me what she thinks I want to hear.

One thing we don't agree about though, is pets. She's told me that she wants a lot of fur babies. She wants 2 purebred dogs, an exotic cat, and 2 exotic birds. She's listed particular species, but I don't want to include those to keep things somewhat private if she were to read this.

She doesn't have much experience with pet ownership, so I'm concerned that she'll buy these animals (which cost a fair bit of money) and then either lose interest in them or the responsibility of taking care of them will be passed on to me.

I don't want to be hyperbolic, but I feel like her wanting a lot of pets might be a bit of a redflag to me. Am I being stupid or is this a legitimate concern?

That's a red flag to me too.
I can see why you're concerned; you should talk with her
I can see why you're concerned, but it's not a big deal
That's not a red flag, my friend; you're color blind.
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I have experience with pet ownership myself, so that's a bit of my concern.
Is it a red flag if a woman wants too many pets?
2 Opinion