Single People: When you imagine your ideal perfect partner, is that someone you could actually see yourself with in real life?

Is your Perfect One out there for you, waiting for you to meet her?
Is your Perfect One out there for you, waiting for you to meet her?
Or do you know shes not realistic?
Or do you know she's not realistic?
Judging by how bad my eight exes were, I wouldve voted Option E until one girl defied all odds.
Judging by how bad my eight exes were, I would've voted Option E until one girl defied all odds.

Is your 100% ideal perfect partner realistically out there and waiting for you or not?

Yes, my ideal partner is absolutely perfect and could very well exist in the real world.
Yes, my ideal partner isn't so flawless that they couldn't possibly be real and are out there somewhere.
Yes, my ideal partner is definitely out there because I don't ask for much in someone.
No, my ideal partner is too perfect to exist in this actual reality.
No, my ideal partner is realistic, but I know I'll never be able to find them.
No, I don't ask for much in someone, but I know they'll never want me because I'm too flawed.
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Single People: When you imagine your ideal perfect partner, is that someone you could actually see yourself with in real life?
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