Am I being extra?

Some backstory, I was friends with benefits with a guy that I really liked for about a year. We stopped when my pap came back as abnormal with HPV (found out after he was sleeping with 3 other girls in our friend group around the same time as me). I'm good now, this all happened in 2017 and the pap smear was normal after 6 months and has been normal since. He claimed I must've always had the virus and it couldn't have been from him even though he was my first. We were pretty good friends before that and would talk/ spend a lot of time together. All that to say, he kind of wasted my time and I wasted my own by being with him. I got a boyfriend shortly after we stopped hooking up (he didn't want to after the abnormal pap) and friends with benefits guy then told me he wanted to be with me. I said no and we haven't seen each other since 2018. We've wished each other hbd but besides that haven't really spoken. I unfollowed him on IG last month because I know I'm not interested in ever being friends again. For whatever reason, I still care about his feelings. He messaged me asking why and I've been trying to be nice about it but he's pushing me wanting an answer. Is it better to just ghost him or straight up tell him I don't want to be friends anymore? (Reposting, didn't mean to put this in guys behavior)
Am I being extra?
1 Opinion