My boyfriend is really close to his mother. To the point that she is at our house almost every day. This week she was here MTWFS. Help! Am I wrong?

I love her and she can be really sweet and helpful but there's a BIG catch. She needs entertainment. She complains about what is on TV until you give her the remote. She buts in when I discipline my daughter and makes her go against what I tell her. She doesn't clean up after herself. She constantly needs attention. If I'm on the phone, she is talking to me/asking meaningless questions while I'm speaking with someone else. If I'm trying to take a nap (I work overnight) she has to wake me up to ask me about a TV show. Mind you I'm pregnant as well. She claims that I'm not sleep and I hear her but choose to ignore her. Most weeks lately it has been almost every day. I'm starting to feel like I am dating her too. She constantly is asking my boyfriend for money. Lately she has been asking him for "lunch money" every week. She makes more than I do! Every time we go somewhere without her she asks why we didn't tell her because "She would have gone." If my boyfriend gets me a gift, she acts as if she is jealous. She will help around the house but she feels like she is the queen of the castle. I think she does this because she is here so often! She comes over and complains that she is hungry and we never have anything. Then we are expected to make/buy her dinner. My boyfriend isn't as irritated by this as I am because she doesn't have anybody. She refuses to date anyone. She will call him 4-5 times during our time together. Even worse on weekends. At this point, he is filling up her gas tank, paying some of her bills, giving her lunch money, feeding her dinner, etc. With a baby on the way this makes me upset. I want him to help her, but the way she is acting is like a brat. Yesterday she even told me to shut up! I told my boyfriend that his mother is his girlfriend. I snapped at her yesterday and told her to go home and he said I was rude! But it's the truth! I'm not trying to share a grown man with his mother! I even joked that I'm confused about which one I should marry!

My boyfriend is really close to his mother. To the point that she is at our house almost every day. This week she was here MTWFS. Help! Am I wrong?
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