Girlfriend has a need for frequent deep conversations, she expects me to lead most of them. Does that sound reasonable?

We've dated for 18 months, and she has always had this need for weekly deep and often emotional chats. I personally do not have a great need for those discussions so frequently. If I do go a few weeks without initiating one she will often critiscise me and say I do not care about her. In return I often say why don't you initiate one when we are both free and I will gladly participate. She refuses saying I should want to do it, to meet her need. Am I being unreasonable? It is actually starting to get me down as I regularly feel like I am walking on eggshells around this issue, and the fact I have to come up with new topics to discuss etc. Its actually emotionally and mentally exhausting. Additionally if I communicate incorrectly e. g talk when I shouldn't, accidently say the wrong thing etc I moaned at or she shuts down.

Girlfriend has a need for frequent deep conversations, she expects me to lead most of them. Does that sound reasonable?
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