Anyone else think it is disrespectful to ask someone about their ex when they know someone in the same room likes this person?


So for context, I was at university the other day and my crush (well half crush as its kinda fading but nobody knows Its fading but me) was sitting in the same room as me pretty much behind me and people who are in mine and his class all know I like him as I have told them privately before in conversation went on to ask about his ex also someone who used to go to uni and asked how long they were together and laughed about the time they held hands like one of them, said “don’t you remember them holding hands?” As one of them asked if they were together? this conversation went on I believe for a few minutes. Anyone else think this is really inconsiderate towards me as they knew I was in the room and they know I like him? I find it quite thoughtless and disrespectful even if it wasn’t done purposely (which it probably wasn’t)

Anyone else think it is disrespectful to ask someone about their ex when they know someone in the same room likes this person?
1 Opinion