The ideal partner does exist - change my mind?

Lets take a walk
Let's take a walk

So the perfect person doesn't exist i. e without flaw or fail. But the ideal partner - authentic, tactful, wise and above all loving and forgiving. The list of good wholesome traits is too exhaustive too list here, but they are not perfect, they are in fact human and above all they do exist.

They have flaws, they make mistakes, they have history but it's the combination of these things and the quality of their character that makes them outshine anyone and everyone. Yet they are not famous nor well known.

Their likes and beliefs are dissimilar and yet complementary to each other.. She likes country and rap, you like rock and roll - in-between you'll find music you both enjoy. The list of examples goes on, notwithstanding the 4 pillars of matrimony: kids, money, sex and in-laws.

They have arguments, yet they have learned the art of forgiveness and the necessity of love and sacrifice above all else. Why? Because they talk it out using "I statements" attached to specific feelings and behaviors. In order to grow and develop their relationship into something that is mutually beneficial.

In the dumpster fire of the dating world these couples stand the test of time and circumstances again and again. These are the couples that reach their 50th anniversary not because they feared the opinions of their generation. But because of the authenticity and complementary quality of their character. Plus their mutual acceptance of the multi-faceted cosmos of marriage and each other, but that's for another time.

The ideal partner does exist - change my mind?
18 Opinion