Don’t feel good after talking to girlfriend?

I’ll keep this short and sweet. I’m 23 and she’s 21. We’ve been seeing each other for 6 months now. We started off as friends and now we’re doing long distance.

Here’s my issue. Almost every single time that I talk to this girl, I feel bad about myself. She makes me feel bad about myself. She always points out flaws with me and speaks in ways to make me feel bad. I think it steams from insecurities she has. But it really hurts me. Right now I’m just going through a flat spot and am trying my best to fix things.

She just berates me and it hurts because she claims to love me but I don’t feel it. I feel used. I try my very best to be there for her in anyway and treat her better than anyone else has, but she doesn’t treat me good. Her ex abused her and yelled at her and cursed at her. She also did tell me that he would tell her that she was hard on him. Almost every time we’re on the phone she says something to me that I don’t like and then she acts like she didn’t do anything wrong. Then I always end up feeling bad getting off the phone.

I even kinda get nervous when the phone rings now because I know that something bad is coming. I would really appreciate another perspective on this. Thank you for taking the time to read this and feel free to ask for more details if needed.
Don’t feel good after talking to girlfriend?
3 Opinion