Is it too much to want him to do some chores of his own accord when he knows I’m having a bad day?


I have not been feeling great lately (UTI, infection, lady issues) and as part of that I went out to get some blood tests after work as well as run some errands. Me and my partner are supposed to be going on holiday tomorrow but I’m feeling depressed because of my issues with my UTI etc. Other women will know what I mean when I say I am devastated. When I went out to the necessary blood tests, my boyfriend went out to test his new camera. Then he went out to exchange some money. But in all this he failed to at least empty the dishwasher before he went. I’ve been doing the dishes a lot this week so I was kind of annoyed when I got home and saw the kitchen in the same state I left it, especially because my health is making me feel less than energetic to do chores. I said to him that it would have been nice if he’d made a start on them. He started the dishes when I mentioned it, but it’s not the same as him thinking on his own ‘oh I’ll just get them out the way’. It took literally 5-10 mins. He said he didn’t have time today. But I think that’s crap. Instead of going out and playing with his new camera lens, he could have done the dishes then gone out. Simple. But the way he reacts is the issue. He jumps to the defence and says that I can‘t get what I want all the time. But the other day in another discussion, he told me something I did that upset him and I have to do XYZ. Why is it that he‘s allowed to tell me what to do in a certain situation because thats how he feels, yet when I tell him how coming home to dishes when I feel less than great is not what I want, I‘m not allowed to tell him what I‘d like him to do in that situation (conditional tense because obv I know there is always a chance you can't get what you want). I just want him to understand that coming home to a messy kitchen when I've done the kitchen so many times in a row really p*sses me off. But I‘m being too demandinf according to him. Help!

Is it too much to want him to do some chores of his own accord when he knows I’m having a bad day?
7 Opinion