Till what age do a man care about love and sex?

So, this is a weird question that is in my head since quite a while now. I will be 23 on 29th of this month, and I never had a girlfriend, never had a female friend, and almost never even talked to a girl. I am not an incel, but this is because I grew up in a very conservative family, and so all these restrictions were cast on me.

So, recently I rented a small place and started living on my own. And because of this, I am now free to do whatever. However, I wanted to figure out my career for now. I suspect that I will be good to go in one year. After that, I will finally try to get a girlfriend. However, this is where my question starts.

If I start my love story at the age of 24, is it too late? What I mean is that our desire changes with time, for example, when I was a child, I liked toys, now I like anime, etc. Is this the same for love and sexual desire? When I reach the age of 30, for example, will I still care about love as much as a teenager do? Also about sex, for example, from my experience so far, I know for sure that a 18-23 year old guy love sex, does a 35 year old like sex as much as a 20 year old do? What about a 40 year old man? Does these desires go down with time? If yes, how much and when?

Thanks for reading all this. The reason I asked this is because I am really confused as to whether I should just get married to my a far relative of ours, which my parents and her parents are forcing to. (arrange marriage). Or should I try to find a girlfriend and do what I should have done when I was still a teenager? I would preferably want answers from guys, because I want to know their experience, but if a girl has a thoughtful answer, I would appreciate that too. 💕
25 max (your life is over man, try again in your next life)
30 (do something now, or it will be over soon)
40 ( still got some time, but need to hurry)
till your hair goes gray and your lungs give up
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Till what age do a man care about love and sex?
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