My boyfriend has been lying to me to go meet his female friend (5-6 times) ?


My boyfriend and i have been in relationship from 3 years and he has been continuously lying to me to either talk to her or meet her, and when i confront him he again lies that I didn't go but i got proof and then he says " if i would've told you, you wouldn't allow me to go".

That girl post him on her social media that too very close pictures, and when my boyfriend asked her not to, she says he can't control her socials. And now this was the last time he lied to me and i asked him, we fought and he showed like he didn't care at all, this time. I'm heartbroken and i don't know what to do.

It's cheating
It's not cheating
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My boyfriend has been lying to me to go meet his female friend (5-6 times) ?
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