Do you think he still likes her?

Do guys forget feelings or ever liking a girl after years? So my friend liked a guy in 2016, she’s shy did nothing about it, an dated someone else. The guy she really liked was a bar tender an she would hang with the boyfriend there an would see the bar tender always staring or seeming curious during their early days of dating.

He seemed bothered that she was with someone but again with his job could he have done more or would it be seen as unprofessional? Years on she would always think back to how he made her feel the connection they shared. She doesn’t think she had with any other person ever.

She got with her partner cus it was comfortable and enjoyable. She’s now thinking it wasn’t real love. A that instant spark that we all want in life. She recently thought to add him on fb. They only ever spoke when she ordered a drink from him on multiple occasions. After adding hun days later he put on his fb his in a relationship. Her heart sank.

An instantly she realised she felt something for him. An now lost him for good. What do you guys think did he do this purposely as it only came on there after she requested. Just a girl trying to help her bestie out but love is hard.

Do you think he still likes her?
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