Do you think its still nice if I gave cheeze-its to a homeless person instead of something healthy?

Do you think its still nice if I gave cheeze-its to a homeless person instead of something healthy?

I saw this homeless woman sitting with her small dog in a stroller outside a store. She held up a sign saying she was very hungry. All i had on me was a small bag of these cheeze it cracker thingies. She accepted immediately and was thankful.

i felt good but i teeny but guilty because these aren’t the healthiest treats in the world lol. In fact they are very high jn sodium and saturated fat.

still do you think this was over all a good thing i did?

just like this only the dog was small in a stroller
just like this only the dog was small in a stroller
Hey as long as they get something to eat its fine
at least you gave her something.
As long as she was happy with it (she was)
Its ok but yeah you should try to give them healthy foods more often
No its not good to give homeless people unhealthy foods regardless of your intentions.
I have a different opinion (what?)
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Do you think its still nice if I gave cheeze-its to a homeless person instead of something healthy?
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