Why are a lot of people judgmental, critical, hateful and immature? Not to mention NEGATIVE? ?

When my ex (40) and I (39) broke up (he broke it off with me, after a five month relationship), a few days later, I just text his brother-in-law and other sister in law on facebook, saying it was nice meeting them, and that it was too bad my relationship with their relative didn't work out. I got NO response, no: "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. It was nice meeting you as well. I hope you have better luck next time". NOTHING just radio silence. 😞 Why do people automatically take their relative's side? ! Even if they are NOT blood related (my dad said blood was thicker than water, but in this case, they were not blood related.). I can only safely conclude that my ex has bad mouthed me and spread lies about me. 😞 I am OPPOSITE of what most of what my ex has told his family, please believe me. I am one of the NICEST folks/sweetest folks you will ever meet. He (and they) hardly even gave me a real chance.

Why are a lot of people judgmental, critical, hateful and immature? Not to mention NEGATIVE? ?
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