Women, if your man went to jail protecting you, would you wait?

I'm of course not speaking about a life sentence because there's nothing to wait for but let's say he caught from 3 to 5 years, would you wait for him? Out of defending you he broke some laws and it got him time too, I need some opinions on this lol

Cause personally I lean more into the forbidden law we all know as "better safe than sorry" which means depending on the situation I'd do what is necessary to protect my loved ones and myself and I know for a fact if necessary I'd use unlawful techniques that will assure the safety of my loved ones, even if it ends with giving my life for them or as I'm asking here, jailtime, so it got me thinking, I know for a fact my family will always be there for me but will a woman? I've realized patience is getting harder to come across when it comes to relationships, based on my observations of course.

This question isn't a bash to our society but more of a genuine question I'm asking myself, I made a poll so y'all can be honest without the worries of being insulted or hated on.
Yes I would wait
No it's too long for me and life must go on
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Women, if your man went to jail protecting you, would you wait?
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