Why is finding a partner so artificial now?


i’ve just started dating (never cared if i found a partner during my teens since i was busy enjoying other areas of life) i find it enjoyable at most to have the idea your date could end up falling in love. but, shouldn’t it be natural?

for example dating apps and blind dates seem so forced. it’s like wearing a sticker saying “i’m lonely please i need company nearly anyone will do” especially people in their 20-30s.

i remember in HS or college girls and guys would be kind of upset being single but it was never forced, yeah we had stupid boyfriends that lasted a week but the next week we would do / find something else.

shoudnt love just happen? i get the loneliness but if you can’t bare being without the touch of a man / woman why not go to a brothel? i know it sounds harsh but to be honest any “forced” dating to find a partner is desperation to fill an empty void.

or am i just content enough with my own life? i go out and interact with many people, many temporary, some long term, and i find life to be a book that i page through and im the handler, going through temporary things and just being free though life.

Why is finding a partner so artificial now?
3 Opinion