How do you deal with remembering things you wish you would not?


Sorry for the lengthy detail. It kind of is me ranting, so feel free to just answer the question at face value. I genuinely want to hear answers, but also wanted to get this off my chest.

I have been thinking a lot of my ex from high school. She was my first true love and I hers. It wasn't one of those kid loves that one thinks is love. We genuinely were there for each other in very trying times.

But this is the same ex that was weak-minded enough to let her stepdad convince her I was a thug for defending myself from bullying.

I am much older now. Most of the time I am fine and have accepted the loss. However, occasionally something takes me back to that time and I cannot help but think what I could have done better with the knowledge I now have.

To put into perspective how much I loved her, I only had one other girlfriend after her. That was while I was in the military and ended in 2014. I've been single since. The being single has nothing to do with missing my ex, but it does seem to make me think of her when I am not busy. But I know there is nothing left.

Until today, I managed to go 2 years without reminiscing. However, the song we considered "our" song played randomly at a grocery store. You know how it kind of makes you feel old when songs from your childhood plays at a grocery store. It took me back instantly to every feelings I ever had during and immediately after the relationship.

How do you deal with remembering things you wish you would not?
6 Opinion