Ladies, gents, and everyone in between: what would you do if your spouse admitted that they didn’t see your jobs as actual work?


I work as a secretary at our local high school and a library assistant at the local library. I work 50 hours a week (sometimes more). And my husband admitted that he “has a trauma bias” that doesn’t “allow” him to see my jobs as actual work. Therefore, this explains why he sees my one short day and one day truly off as a “luxury,” and has difficulty not expecting me to keep the house clean and organized. He said he is “trying to lower his expectations.” He has been saying that since we got married. How nice of him. He always says I don’t acknowledge him enough when he “helps” me with the dishes or occasionally picking up. I always say thank you multiple times and try to make sure he feels appreciated for “helping me.” But that’s not enough, evidently. Ooo and to top it off, he said he has difficulty understanding because “his mom always kept things up and she works.”

You may ask, “what is his trauma bias?” His mum disciplined him by charging money if he didn’t do his chores because he was working on a film project. His film projects are work; his pharmacy tech job is work. But my two desk jobs that I worked hard for while I completed my masters degree are not work and, therefore, should not make me as tired as they do. 😒 Oh! Here is a miracle! Me and my not work paid for our anniversary couples massage scheduled for today. Imagine that!😮🙃

What would you do in this scenario (because I’m about ready to slap him)?

Ladies, gents, and everyone in between: what would you do if your spouse admitted that they didn’t see your jobs as actual work?
22 Opinion