Do you think people that act conceited are insecure deep down?


I get the need to brag every once in a while, giving yourself a pat on the back when you’re good at something for example. Like all eyes were on me at this party, I killed it at this or that, I’m good at my job etc. But in my opinion it’s all about moderation, when you’re cocky & feel the need to always give yourself praise & then come across as condescending to others at times that’s when I have an issue. 29F & I’ve experienced this with men & women in my life. The women were self absorbed & the men were conceited & I chose to distance myself from all of them. Maybe I’m overly an avoidant attachment style but my mom for example would suggest I keep these people in my life just don’t expect much from them or to just keep them at arms length. At the same time, I’m not in the mood to be around people that bring me down or are so full of themselves, how is this not draining to people? Again self praise is definitely called for but when you’re bragging or coming across like you’re better than everyone else…that’s kind of a problem.

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Do you think people that act conceited are insecure deep down?
12 Opinion