Isn't it worse getting cheated on after many years of marriage vs a couple years in a relationship?

I've heard of people going into depression, stop eating, etc after their girlfriend/boyfriend of 1-4 years cheats on them. They don't even have kids with that person so it's easy to move on. At least you didn't lose anything major other than just feelings invested. You never had a future invested with them.

I've just read a woman's sad story of a husband cheating on her after 20+ years of love, a future together and grown children. Plus he impregnated the other woman too. Her pain obviously has got to be 100x worse than just a boyfriend or girlfriend you're dating cheating on you.

Yes both got cheated on but isn't it worse for the lady in the story than just a boyfriend/girlfriend cheating (no kids) on you?

Isn't it worse getting cheated on after many years of marriage vs a couple years in a relationship?
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