To make a relationship last , You have to be willing to give up on people that make your partner feel uncomfortable Agree or disagree?

I just saw this Meme the other day , and I agree with this statement. Sadly
Most people take this the wrong way and assume it’s control , when it has nothing to do with control , it comes down to respect for your relationship with each other. You chose to be in a committed relationship with this person , for that relationship to last the long haul and for love to continue to grow for each other , you have to make your partner your top priority over everyone else in this world , whether you agree with your partner or not , your partner should be your top priority , not a convenience. The same way you want your partner treating you? , has to be the same way you treat them. If you cannot do that for your partner , then you shouldn’t be in a relationship with them period.
To make a relationship last , You have to be willing to give up on people that make your partner feel uncomfortable Agree or disagree?
23 Opinion