Do you use racial slurs/jokes with your partner?

I’ve been dating this girl for 2 months. During the 2nd week of dating, she told me that her cousins call her “Halfrican American” because she’s lightskinned, even though both of her parents are fully black. She’s the lightest in her family. She laughed about it. So, I jokingly called her it a couple times and she didn’t laugh or say much. After I said it the 3rd time, she pouted and told me to stop because she didn’t like it and I’ve respected her wishes by never saying it again.

About a week later, we’re having a makeout session. Once it ends, she yells “Get out of my house” and calls me the n-word with the hard “-ER”. I look at her and she says she’s only joking. Then a couple of days later, she calls me a coon and says that I’m perpetuating white supremacy by dating a lightskinned black girl instead of a darker one. I told her that I’m uncomfortable with this. She says she uses coon and the n-word with her friends and family, regardless of whether or not they like it. She even said she couldn’t wait to use the words with my family. I told her that will not fly with my family. She said that they’re lame and I should disown them.

I told her that she needs to go to therapy. But she claims she’s in family therapy with her parents and two siblings. I said that she needs individual therapy. She’s clearly insecure about being lightskin. Admittedly, I think calling her “Halfrican” is nowhere near as bad as calling someone a coon or the n-word. I respect her wishes, but she has a hard time respecting mines for some reason.

Do you use racial slurs with your significant other?

Do you use racial slurs/jokes with your partner?
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