I don't want to hurt his feelings but I don't find him attractive though he is attractive. He's actually ideal for some women being very tall, but that doesn't attract me at all.
564 opinions shared on Relationships topic. That probably depends on how much you're going to be interacting with them after letting them down. Most of us guys take those openings, gaps and holes as we can, and interpret them quite liberally.
I'd say how much velvet you put on that iron fist to make it clear that there is no gap, no opening, and no hole depends on how much you'll be seeing each other in the future, like same coffee shop, co-worker, neighbor, acquaintance whatever.
Just make it very clear that it isn't you, it's them, maybe you have a boyfriend, maybe you don't, but it isn't them. It isn't their fault that you aren't attracted to them, but you don't have a spark, and won't have a spark. It isn't there and never will be. If he's following you thinking your farts smell like roses, he's going to hear what he wants to hear unless you are very blunt.
10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
3.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. You say "you are certainly attractive, but unfortunately you just aren't my type. But being that attractive, I'm sure there are plenty of women who are looking for a guy just like you."
You can elaborate on things that make him not your type, but try to limit those things to items that are generally seen as positives from most women.
Think about how you would want a guy to reject you gracefully, without killing your ego. Say "I may be a bit weird, because my friends usually don't like the guys I like." That puts it on you instead of him.21 Reply- 23 d
Thanks. That sounds like a great way to put things.
1.8K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I guess just tell it how it is... Look, while you're a very handsome guy, I'm not attracted to you that way.
If he's expressed feelings of attraction to you, then don't do the "I hope we can be friends" thing because it just confuses the guy more, thinking he'll have a chance with you later down the line.10 Reply
- 23 d
I don't know... but I would prefer to be told the truth... it creates closure, and it's easier to get over...
but somehow, people feel insecure about their preferences and say whatever... not caring much about the receiver's feelings...41 Reply- 23 d
Yes I will tell him the truth. I don't like giving someone false hope.
AI Opinion
Navigating feelings can be complex, can't it? My goal here is to help you handle this moment with grace and kindness. Sometimes, it's all about keeping the vibe chill and genuine. You could say something like, "You're an amazing person, but I think we see things differently." Keep it light, easy, and from the heart. Attraction's wildly subjective, so simply be honest without going overboard! 😎✨
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
860 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Well there's no reason to tell that person anything like that you can just say you're sorry but I'm either dating somebody right now or I'm taking a break or that you don't have to tell them the reason why. There's a lot of truth that you can say without telling them the main truth
10 Reply3.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Just say sorry you aren’t my type but I am flattered you were interested in me. You don’t have to be rude when declining someone you aren’t attracted to
10 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I worked with a girl who dropped a lot of hints about her interest but I pretended to be naive and clueless (OK I probably was both back then...) as I was not attracted to her physically. We actually did a lot together in terms of going out places; when she got a boyfriend and they went places she would say "yeah I went here with Zag" and he got the idea that we'd had some torrid affair LOL.
It's probably a bit harder with a guy as she didn't come out and directly hit on me (though pretty close) so you may have to explicitly point out that you're not interested in dating him.
10 Reply- 21 d
I struggled with this once but i was shocked that some people really do jus take horrible pics. He looked so much better in action. I was glad i bit my tongue before i ruined something that i hadn't yet fully explored
13 Reply- 21 d
Yeah maybe meeting him in person will change things. I'm supposed to meet him soon as friends so maybe I will actually find him attractive but I doubt it.
- 21 d
Lmao well if you dont, just say you're better as friends
- 21 d
Haha ok I definitely will
- 23 d
Just tell him that even though he is decent, you are not interested. If he argues say, "Was I wrong about the decent part?" That should end the discussion.
21 Reply- 23 d
Ok thanks!
- 23 d
You say "I don't think we're compatible." You do not have to explain why, especially if there's nothing "wrong" with the person, you don't want to give them the idea that if they change somehow they can win you over.
10 Reply - 23 d
Pull the pin throw the grenade. Don't be mean but be honest. Say sorry I can appreciate your looks but they aren't for me and I can't get past it. So it's never going to be ever.
10 Reply - 23 d
I would just say I'm not interested, if he asks you out, I'm assuming you're not leading him on or letting him think he has a chance right?
13 Reply- 23 d
Not at all. I told him that I only see him as a friend and want to be friends but he still hasn't gotten it that I'm not interested at all.
- 23 d
Oh, he's one of the."persistent" ones I see, if you already told him, I would just stay away, unless you have to be around him, and if so, just be like "didn't I tell you I don't see you like that".
- 23 d
Ok thanks
- 23 d
I don't see why you need to share that at all.
If he asked you out, can't you just say, "No, sorry, thank you for asking, but you're not my type"?
20 Reply - 22 d
don't say that at all lol that'll hurt his feelings
just be like "you're not my type" and move on10 Reply It's not that you're calling him unattractive, you're telling him your feelings, which are basically that he's not your type. Just don't act disgusted or belittle him and it should be OK.
10 Reply- 23 d
The best way is say they aren't your type, it's the truth if you know they aren't unattractive, they just aren't what you want in a partner, physically of course
10 Reply - 23 d
Just tell them that you are nog interested to have any romance relationship with them.
20 Reply - 22 d
You say this person is attractive but you don’t find them attractive? How is that 🤔
11 Reply- 22 d
He isn't bad looking but I don't find him attractive. Just like Brad Pitt is attractive but he does nothing for me.
Just be honest and tell him, men are used to getting rejected. He'll get over it
11 Reply- 23 d
Ok thanks.
- 22 d
Just be honest. It's way worse to leave things ambiguous.
10 Reply - 22 d
Can I assume he wants to date you? Then just tell him you are not his type.
10 Reply - 23 d
I’m usually quite blunt with it so if you’re looking for niceties I’m not the one to ask lol
10 Reply - 23 d
“I’m flattered , your an attractive guy , your just not my type “
10 Reply do you need to tell him that? just reject him some other way
10 Reply- 23 d
Tell him you don't feel physically attracted to him.
People get rejected all the time, it doesn't have to be bad.20 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)23 d
You don't have to tell them if you don't want to. Most people prefer compliments.
If you can't tell them something nice, it's better not to tell them anything.
10 Reply - 22 d
Just say it in an objective and relatively robotic way. Something like, “I do not see a future where we come together as romantic partners”.
10 Reply - 23 d
I wouldn’t tell them they are unattractive because that’s very subjective. I would just say that you are not attracted to them.
20 Reply - 22 d
Men are used to rejection so just fire away.
10 Reply - 23 d
You just gotta tell them straight up, better in the long run for both of you
10 Reply They do dirty magick to make selves look better looking like me but they make fools of themselves using lies should not be heard yet along using lies in magic should get expiration date
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)23 d
Tell him you met someone else.
13 Reply- 23 d
I did. That still hasn't stopped him from wanting to pursue me.
- Opinion Owner23 d
Then show him the someone else. lol Get out there.
- 23 d
Ok lol
- 22 d
Lie and say I got a boyfriend
12 Reply- 22 d
I sort of do though
- 22 d
It's not official but we talk everyday like a couple.
- Anonymous(45 Plus)23 d
"I don't find him attractive even though he's attractive"
00 Reply - 21 d
Politely and respectfully
10 Reply - 22 d
I am so sorry but I am only interested in rich old man
00 Reply - 22 d
I don't.
Why would I?
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)23 d
Just say you’d rather be friends.
13 Reply- 23 d
I have and they still didn't get the message.
- Opinion Owner23 d
Then don’t be afraid to be a bit rude.
- 23 d
stare at him/her badly ^_____^
10 ReplyTell him he’s not your type.
10 Reply- 23 d
Just tell him otherwise he'll think you like him
10 Reply - 23 d
"I don't find you attractive at all"
10 Reply - 23 d
Straight up tell em
10 Reply Be up front.
10 Reply
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