How long is "too long" to wait to hear "I love you," if you've already said it and your partner hasn't?

How long is too long to wait to hear I love you, if youve already said it and your partner hasnt?

People always talk about not rushing the other person you're in a relationship with or trying to "force" them to say I love you, but if you've said, let's just say presumably after at least 6 months, and now months have gone by, should you be worried? Is the relationship actually going anywhere if you've not mentioned anything, but they've not said anything. My cuz is in this situation, and her guy seems okay, but I told her, to me, that would worry me..but I'm not in their relationship, but if she's asking, it seems to be worrying her. What are your thoughts?

How long is "too long" to wait to hear "I love you," if you've already said it and your partner hasn't?
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