- 16 d
I don't think there are any easy or simple situations in a relationship where intimacy and romance has been the case that could ever be solved by a simple formula. It depends mostly on the people in the relationship. If you are both thrilled with each other and can't stand being away from each other then it will likely work. If you meet someone attractive and if that person is more available, then I think it's over. It happen a lot when high school sweethearts go off to college. Both parties are exposed to a lot of new people, their strangeness makes them seem more anonymous and tastes change. Someone who seemed totally hip in high school may appear differently when you meet so many new people.
If this happens to be the case for you or for anyone reading this I offer a piece of advice. If someone in the relationship starts acting chillier, you need to let it happen. Neediness is not an attractive position and despite the # of love songs written about "I'll treat you better than he does, baby" no one ever wooed a lover back by treating them any way whatsoever. I've never seen a relationship get re-kindled by the person ( usually the one getting "rejected") by behaving differently. Maybe is its a question of sex with other people. If that's the only thing going on than changing behavior can change someone's feelings. Even then don't be surprised by either party nursing a "revenge fuck" or more than one if they feel cheated upon more than once.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
528 opinions shared on Relationships topic. I think that the soldiers, airline pilots, ship crewmen, and others with jobs that require extended time away that all have much higher than average infidelity and divorce rates would disagree.
When I was on deployment, roughly half of the married or seriously dating soldiers in my platoon found out their wives/girlfriends cheated on them, and it's likely that more did too and they just didn't find out about it. My girlfriend at the time cheated when I was in training. Lots of relationships died over the course of 2-4 week long field exercises. I strongly view the notion that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is at best, an antiquated and romantic ideal that doesn't apply for periods longer than a few days, especially in the modern social norm of disposable relationships, declining value in marriage, or "swipe culture."
00 Reply
- 17 d
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I doubt it, I really doubt it.
Playing ping pong over oceans, messing with emotions. Messing with my head. Messing with my head.
13 hours ago, I'm no longer at home , fast times in Tahoe, three thousand miles away. What can I say? Fast times fast times too fast for me, and I don't care what you say to get me out of the way. I got to get my message through to you baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/NR2KsFa9ZJQI couldn't help myself. A classic
00 Reply
1.8K opinions shared on Relationships topic. In some ways it does, but honestly? Not in any way that makes it worth all the turmoil.
21 Reply
AI Opinion
Ah, the classic conundrum of love and proximity! I've seen distance do wonders for some and create chasms for others. A little space can indeed make you appreciate what you have, turning those WhatsApp messages into love letters and FaceTime into a romantic rendezvous. But beware of ghosting; communication is key! Distance requires trust, commitment, and sometimes a touch of spicy lovebombing to keep that flame burning. Keep those hearts fond and fluttering! 💌✨
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
17 dThe common adage is, "absence makes the heart grow fonder." But there is another common expression, "out of sight, out of mind." Absolutely opposite views of the situation.
I think that the effect distance has on a relationship depends on many circumstances and variables and there is no single rule which usually applies.
10 Reply- 17 d
That really depends on the situation but sometimes yes it’s the nostalgia and a lot of people look at things through rose colored glasses. Sometimes a relationship may have really been great some people also gloss over the bad stuff remembering the good stuff only.
Not just with romantic relationships either family or friendships or even aquatints… You may start missing someone you haven’t seen in a long time.
00 Reply - 17 d
Nope, exactly the opposite. Distance makes it easier to forget. There's nothing better than an in-person relationship.
10 Reply - 17 d
In my case yes, it does.
My wife and I have been living separately for some months, I am in the US and she's in Europe. Of course we separated out of necessity for family business and not because we actually wanted to split up, but this period of separation made us feel how much we value each other and how much it sucks to be distant.
We videocall each other every day and make arrangements to eat together in video call (although due to different hours she's eating dinner while I'm having lunch), sometimes I stay on call with her while she's drifting asleep.
10 Reply - 17 d
Yes... and no.
A little distance, from time to time can give that space to where you miss your mate and it is a pleasure to see them again.
A lot of distance for too long like along distance relationship, for example, is too much. It tends to have you developing feelings for people that are in your day to day life that you see and you start to forget about the partner because they are never there. You can't see them or kiss them or hold them. Too much distance causes the heart to forget and no longer care about.
00 Reply It depends on the distance. If it's a shorter distance and/or a few days or weeks, definitely yes.
If the distance is great (living in different countries) and the time long (several months), longing will be deep, but in the end the heartache will be stronger. Believe me, I've been there. Long-distance relationships do more harm than good.
00 Reply- 17 d
Sometimes it can make you miss the person more, but other times it can lead to breakups. Really depends on how you felt about them before the distance started.
20 Reply Sometimes it does. I know when I’m away on business, I am so horny for my wife. When I’m home we have sex every day, and it’s hard to be away, and unless her company.
00 ReplyThat depends on the strength/value of the connection. Sometimes you'll miss them more, sometimes you'll think of them less.
00 Reply336 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Yep, when I am away from my boyfriend I certainly miss and think of him more often than when I know I can see him whenever I want.
00 ReplyIt could go either or, depending on the person they could either love you more since you aren't in each other's presence anymore or the opposite and start growing distant and start loosing feelings for you.
00 Reply- 17 d
Distance, no. It makes her heart wander to a casino with a random guy named Matt and spend the night at his house screwing a time or two is all distance does.
00 Reply - 17 d
distance is your means to an end and start of an adventure.
00 Reply 801 opinions shared on Relationships topic. No , it simply does not , thats pure fantasy.
00 Reply- 17 d
In the short term, maybe, but not in the long term.
00 Reply - 17 d
No!! How many times are you guys going to keep posting these questions? Go out like a normal human and date.
04 Reply- 17 d
If my life was normal then it wouldn't be a problem. Maybe if I had a new id as requested to the home office by it's staff then I wouldn't be on here at all, monitoring what's saying and planning what. Why are you here?
- 17 d
@virtualwasp get a life
- 17 d
I'm waiting for my asylum request to be completed. You seem to have little regard for facts. I would wish you well but you seem angry and have bad energy
- 17 d
You're 31 talking like this. Prepare to be alone for the rest of your life
- 17 d
No, I do not think distance makes the heart grow founder. I know for a fact distance kills the connection between two people. Out of sight / Out of mind.
00 Reply - 17 d
In some cases. In others it makes the heart grow cold or should I say... Distant ;)
00 Reply 6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. In a way it does but after enough time the heart has a bellyful.
00 ReplyDistance will either make the heart fonder or will make it wander, depending on your bonds.
00 Reply477 opinions shared on Relationships topic. It all depends on who you are as a Person and what sort Person your in a Relationship with and what sort of Relationship you have.
00 Reply- 17 d
No! It makes me forget the person altogether and maybe even forget his name
00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Distance is what makes people look for other people
01 Reply- 17 d
I would say it depends on how strong the bond is. The stronger the bond , the more likely that it does
00 Reply - 17 d
if everyone around you is shit and there is only person long distance caring and sweet.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)17 d
My ex used to joke "how can I miss you if you never go away?"
00 Reply Yes I think so! But not too much but a bit of separation every now and then doesn’t hurt
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)16 d
It makes the pussy more itchy and the dick harder.
00 Reply - 17 d
Sometimes yeah it does.
00 Reply - 18 d
It allows the heart to forget and wander.
00 Reply - 17 d
Somewhat depending on the people
03 Reply- 17 d
I'm talking about my dog.
- 17 d
I didn't know that
- 17 d
Yeah, I thought that from the answers then saw people put a lot of effort in.
1.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. depends on person
00 ReplyIn some cases yes it can.
00 Reply- 17 d
Distance makes the fond grow harder.
00 Reply - 17 d
For a buxom babe, of course !!!
00 Reply 703 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Dependson the person.
00 Reply- 17 d
Sometimes especially if it short term.
10 Reply - 15 d
As long you’s regularly communicate.
00 Reply 10.9K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Yes at times
00 Reply7.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Absolutely not
00 Reply- 17 d
00 Reply
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