Physical Relationship Progression

I've searched this site for other questions like this: asking how long to wait before sex. And that was helpful - many answers said it depends on the relationship and the people, but generally the idea of 2-3 months came out.

So what I'm wondering is what is normal for the progression of the relationship before then? Is it 2-3 months for any kind of sex (oral/intercourse)? When does second and third base come into the progression of normal 'adult' relationships? My last real relationship was long and started in high school - everything physical was new so moving really really slowly felt normal. I guess I just don't want to come off as a tease while I'm waiting to feel ready to have sex in my next relationship. I feel I've rushed into casual flings before this and I just would like some advice on a good time line to slow things down so something real can develop.
Physical Relationship Progression
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