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Questions: Relationships

First relationship advice for a 33 year old?

I've never been in a relationship and I thought something like that wasn't for me but at the start of March this year I met a girl offline we started talking whole day this went for a few days and for the first time I...
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Ex Girlfriends Former Best friend messaging me on snapchat?

Gonna try to make this short. My ex and I broke up 7YRs ago and her best friend and I are still friends on snapchat. All 3 of us would do everything together, Even worked at the same resturant. We took a trip to Keywest...
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How do you respond to someone who left your message on read and didn't answer the question? What's a polite way to ask her to stop a silent treatment?

What do you do when someone you are friends with doesn't respond to your text and leaves you on read? Do you mention it and call them out or stop texting them? What if it's happened multiple times before?
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Can there be love with no friendship?

We are talking about romantic relationships.
We are talking about romantic relationships. Show More
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Would you end a relationship with someone if you didn’t like one of their friends?

My ex wants to be official with me again and I told her it’s Not going to happen. Because I don’t see eye to eye with her anymore , I don’t hate her , but I can’t give my heart fully to her again , I still have my reasons...
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I starting to like my female friend?

I got off a break up with a girl That was part of my friend group The entire friend group sided with me as I really cared about her but she kept sabotaging her relationships with everyone One female...
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What Secrets Are OK to Keep From a Significant Other?

I think it’s safe to say many, many, people would subscribe to a belief that there should be no secrets in a romantic relationship (and certainly not in a marriage) but… Is this true? What secrets, if any, are safe to...
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Is it good I’m starting to feel my identity again?

So after being in a two year relationship with toxic physically and verbally abusive women I’m starting to enter a place where my individual identity is starting to resurface and honestly for two years it always took a...
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Has anyone here ever crashed or nearly crashed their car from zoning out/driving while fatigued? Is driving while fatigued not talked about enough?

I feel like I always hear from people how people that get in accidents are idiots and they’re not paying attention to the road and doing their due dilligence. But I’ve had probably 6 close calls over my 6 years of driving...
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Ladies, is your partner mostly responsible for your happiness or lack of happiness?

That is, is it your partners responsibility to make and keep you "happy"?
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How do you trust in a romantic relationship?

You could be together with somebody who is absolutely stellar for 30 years and overnight they could change their mind out of boredom and blindside you by suddenly leaving you. You never see it coming, so there is a lack...
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Why do some people have zero standards in dating?

I often rant and rave about people who have absolutely unreasonable standards and feel entitled to have someone of those standards and hardly contribute to anything themselves. But I often find people also on the other...
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