In the End, Love is Love...

There always seems to be something when it comes to love. No one is faithful anymore, no one gets married anymore, there's high...
1 3

Met You In A Dream

I met you in a dream. You had your arms around me and you never said anything. I wanted to see your face so greatly, but I never could...
1 3

8 Things I Think People Should Do in a Relationship

1. What can I do? you should ask yourself every day what can I do to make his/her day better maybe i can do the dishes or draw her a...
11 29

Bring Back The Love Letter!

There is something so sweet and so sensual about the written word. Sure most of us have written or received a text that made us smile,...
4 1

Common Reasons Why Couples Argue!

No couple wants to argue but especiall because of our genetics, we can't have a week without arguing. This time may change according to...
3 2

Tips For Happy, Long-Lasting Relationships!

There are some couples that still talk to each other with respect and still very kind to each other even after 50 years. If you lose...
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People Say "I Love You" Without Actually Meaning It

If "I love you" is said easily then it is not real love. It is just a temporary feeling. Saying "I love you" has responsibility in it....
0 4

I love my boyfriend but I don't like him anymore. how should I behave?

So my boyfriend and I have been dating already for a year and in the beginning, I really used to like him. He was always texting me...

How to make your boyfriend chase you again?

These days I feel like I'm drowning him in attention. In the past it was more balanced and we would both put in equal amounts... I think...

Is it acceptable for couples to shout during arguments?

Do you think its acceptable for couples to shout at each other during especially heated arguments? why or why not?
31 41

My boyfriend can't get over my past what now? What do I do?

We've been together for three months now, at first I put this emotional barrier and he managed to break through it, it all went so fast...
10 25

My boyfriend told me I need to start working out/lose weight but he isn't even fit?

He apologized last night via text and tried to call a few times but I was honestly too hurt to even talk to him. He also called me this...
11 25

Advice on dating a curvy/chubby girl?

The body type I'm talking about is like this. Her body type is like this and we're both interested in each another. I've also never...

Who is wrong? The snooper or the cheater?

You see this fairly often here, the girl has gone through her partners phone because she was suspicious. Everyone generally jumps on...
23 42

Does my boyfriend like my body?

so today we were eating and usually i dont finish my food but i was hungry so i ate it all and my boyfriend was surprised and said "oh...
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Is a huge height difference bad for a relationship?

Ok so i a 17 and there is this girl i really like i have liked her since freshman year, and i'm a senior now, but one thing sort of...
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