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myTakes: Relationships

Why Opposite Sex Friends are Harmful to your Intimate Relationships.

My girlfriend went out on what could essentially be called a date with another man. This really hurt my feelings, but I really struggled to find a way to explain why it hurt me, because honestly, she does not see what...

The issue is NOT boys vs girls. Real solutions must address the real problem: so let's address it.

I've read up a good bit on this site having never been a member myself - I have heard the countless woes of girls talking about the horrible guys they have had to deal with, and I have heard the countless stories of guys...

Shy guys ≠ wimps

This is something I've noticed with some women so I wanted to share my take on this and expose the truth, I have seen women who think that just because a man is too shy to ask a woman out it means that he is a coward and...

Expect nobody to change

If you are trying to date someone who is depressed, problematic, inconsistent, dramatic for real, and you are guessing if to keep trying or not, let me tell you something. This will solve the problems of many people here....

Nevermet LDR: Fantasy or reality?

I said I wasn't gonna make another MyTake about nevermet LDR, but I need to clarify certain aspects of it, because I think most people just don't understand what it means to be in one. With this MyTake I am not hoping to...

How can I make him change?

This is probably the most common question here (other than “how do I look”). Women choose insensitive, inconsiderate partners, expecting them to change. Sometimes they claim he wasn’t insensitive or inconsiderate at the...

Are you being "GASLIGHTED?"

The term "gaslighting" has been around since the 40's and 50's. It originated from a play called "Gas Light" (1938), in which a husband tries to convince his wife that she is going insane by causing her to doubt her own...

Forgive: The process

Forgiving someone can be a difficult and emotional process, but it is often an important step in moving on and healing from hurt or resentment. Here are some tips for forgiving someone: Acknowledge your feelings: It's...

Lust vs Love, don't get confused

Love and lust are two different emotions or feelings that can sometimes be confused with each other, but they are distinct and have some key differences. Here are a few: Intention: Love is often accompanied by feelings...

The Mentality Behind Ghosting, How to Recover From Getting Ghosted, and Why You Should Not Ghost!

Foreword: This applies to both friendships and dating. Ghosting, in this instance, refers to the sudden cessation of contact via any means, such as text or in-person contact, for any reason. Disclaimer: All opinions and...

Miserable relationships, no thanks ever :P

I was watching a scene from a show recently and it made me think of relationships more broadly. It wasn't a romantic scene, more like a falling out between an adult son and his late old man. Anyways, it got me thinking...

What I think about silent girls

There is a story about a girl that was shy and silent most of the time.She acted like she liked me but then she said she has a fiance.It turned out she doesn't have one.She lied about it because was afraid to be in a...

Unconditional Love Does Not Exist!

Unconditional Love Doesn't Exist! Prove It... Okay I Will Parent and Child Example: Parents love THEIR son and not other people's son. Parents love their kids because they are THEIR kids. That is Love based...

The Importance of a Woman in Her Man's Life, and How She Can be a Better Partner for Him!

Disclaimer: Whatever is stated below was written under the assumption of a proper, functioning relationship. Without further ado, here is: The importance of a woman in her man's life, and how she can be a better partner...

Women, Don't Try To Change Him, He'll Change Himself If He Loves You

Someone asked me about a week ago how did men change after being marred for many years. So I thought about this long for a bit and I couldn't come up with a clear answer at that moment. So after some thinking and jotting...

Women with double standards

YES please don't get me wrong there are plenty of men out there too. I will also be clear I am NOT talking about all or even most women who are out there. If you come here calling me a sexist when really I am calling out...

Why I Won't Room Share with Other People

Here are 4 major reasons why I refuse to room share with other people once I have a full-time job. If you are interested or curious, I invite you to read my take. 1. I Don't Want My Sleep to be Disrupted by a Person Who...

Going through it all, just to be strangers again. A letter to the one who mattered the most.

I met you in my dreams last night. I looked at you from a distance, and you smiled right back at me. Something about you felt like home. You whispered to me “where have you been?”, to which I replied “I’m sorry I was...

Can a Guy Be the Prize in a Relationship?

First consider how different types of relationships work. In a traditional relationship, the guy PROVIDES things to the woman in exchange for loyalty/respect, her having kids. But mostly it's all being provided by him....

The "Friend Zone" and what "Just Friends" Means To A Man

Friend Zone- A situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sexual interest in the other. "I always wind up in the friend zone, watching them pursue other...