On the Maximized Perfection of God and the Maximized Perfection of God's Creation

In this thread I'm going to discuss the perfection of God and his Creation, as well as debunk a very, very nasty false doctrine from Paul of Tarsus, evidently originating with Moses himself, which infects all of Christianity and Judaism.

On the Maximized Perfection of God and the Maximized Perfection of Gods Creation

The Universe is theoretically maximized in every conceivable attribute that a Universe could have under the same laws and constants. The Universe is perfectly righteous, because the Universe does not lie, does not change it's own laws, and does not violate Metaphysics or logic, and does not violate he laws of any conceivable Multiverse that could possibly contain the Universe. Since the Universe is Perfectly Righteous, then all other attributes that contribute anything to the power to actually maintain righteousness must actually be maximized. that is, the Universe must actually carry out the theoretical maximum goodness that it is capable of performing in its own existence. Since the Universe is not a Free Moral Agent, and since the Universe obeys the Copernican Principle, it is not capable of chaning it's own Righteousness. It is perfect by God's design, and it cannot fail to be perfect.

Now the only thing that could conceivable create a maximized reality is in fact a maximized First Cause, and this means the First Cause must literally be Almighty. Almightiness automatically implies perfect righteousness, as the righteousness of God and Almightiness of God are co-existing concepts. A perfectly righteous God is required to maximized the inherent righteousness of his own creation. And an Almighty God is required to give his best effort in his own Creation, therefore God does not "half-assed" create AN conceivable creation of his. God always gives his best effort to Creation, and God always creates his creation as being perfectly Righteous and 100% innocent. Thus the false doctrine of "Original Sin" is proven wrong. A perfectly righteous God cannot create a Free Moral Agent, or anythign else for that matter, who is less than perfectly righteous. And contrary to both Paul and Moses, a perfectly righteous God cannot create a Free Moral Agent who is less than perfectly innocent of any wrong-doing any conceivable past generation might have done (Ezekiel et al).

So every Being of any kind who has existed or will exist in any conceivable reality that possibly exists is created totally and perfectly Righteous and totally and perfectly innocent. Free Moral Agents lose their righteousness and innocence if and when they willfully, knowingly choose to sin....and the choice to sin is nobody else's fault except that person's own fault (Ezekiel et al). It cannot be your parents' fault, and it cannot be God's fault, and God does not create ANYTHING as a "vessel of destruction" as Paul of Tarsus falsely claimed in the New Testament. God being perfectly Righteous is not capable of creating a being inherently unrighteous nor inherently guilty of anyone's wrongdoing. So the "Fall of Man" which Moses wrote about in the story of Adam and Eve is a fairy tale, it never happened.

A perfectly righteous being CANNOT tempt his own creation with evil, therefore God could NOT create a "forbidden fruit" bearing god-like knowledge and then forbid humans to consume it, because individual Humans are required to be MAXIMIZED in every conceivable attribute that can possibly contribute to both their own righteousness and the righteousness of God in any conceivable circumstance. There is no such thing as a human being who cannot tell good from evil, because by virtue of being created perfectly righteous and innocent, and by virtue of being maximized in every attribute that can contribute to anyone's righteousness, human beings REQUIRED to inherently know good from evil. Being Free Moral Agents, evil humans willfully choose to lie about their own knowledge of good and evil, such as James Holme's claim of "insanity" and not knowing good from evil, and the evidence that he in fact knows good from evil is that he booby trapped his room in anticipation of the GOOD actions of police officers, therefore he was capable of predicting the actions of a good free moral agent, therefore he must know what goodness is, and therefore he is guilty of multiple death sentences as a mass murderer, etc. And we can go on about any given liberal's claim that truth or morality are subjective, etc, when truth and morality are necessarily objective for science and reason to exist at all..

Even though we are in fact created perfectly righteous and perfectly innocent, we cannot maintain our own perfection, because we are not Almighty. Only an Almighty Being can maintain it's own perfect righteousness. So as a finite, mortal, created being you are in fact "designed to fail", not that God did this intentionally. God cannot make an accident. God knowingly created humans, knowing that it is not Ontologically possible for God to create a second "Almighty Being", so God knew that humans would be less than absolutely perfect, but God created humans as "theoretically maximum" in every conceivable attribute that can possibly contribute to righteousness in any conceivable world that possibly exists. An Almighty Being CANNOT create a half-assed creation, and a perfectly righteous Being CANNOT create a half-assed creation. Every aspect of His Creation must be the maximum conceivable expression of himself that can possibly exist under the laws and circumstances of that Universe and under the circumstances of the individual entity being created.

thus contrary to what most Christian and Jewish denominiations teach, Human Beings are NOT born inherently evil, and they are not born guilty of anyone's past sins (Ezekiel et al). Human Beings are born with the maximum theoretical righteousness that a created being can attain, and human beings are born with the maximum theoretical innocence that a created being can attain. And then some RIGHTEOUS human beings willfully choose to CEASE being Righteous and become evil and sin against God and sin against other beings.

Since the Universe is Maximized, then the Creator who Created it must be Maximized. A Maximized Creator cannot do a half-assed job on his creation, therefore human beings cannot be born inherently evil or guilty of anything, and there is no forbidden fruit, because all creations of a maximized Creator must themselves be maximized within the confines of their circumstances. Forbidden Knowledge would prevent human beings from maximizing their own righteousness, which would in turn be against the righteousness of God. So a righteous God could not possibly conceal the knowledge of good and evil from any conceivable free moral agent, that would mean that his creation would be less than maximized, and that is not logically self-consistent.

A maximized Creator is required by his own Almighty nature and his own Righteous nature to create a maximized creation, and the only conceivable Creator that could possibly create anything at all must be Almighty. therefore the only conceivable God that could possibly exist must be Almighty.

As for "sins of ignorance" and "accidents" you may in fact be guilty of wrong doing even under those circumstances, because you can always be more careful about your own actions, and you can always spend more time thinking about the definition of goodness and evil under any conceivable circumstances. So ultimately ignorance of the Law of God is not a moral excuse for breaking the law....thus the Insanity Plea should be done away with....even if you conceivably did not know right from wrong, somehow, you are still at fault for wrong-doing, because ignorance of the law is not an excuse, and there is no rational excuse for mass murder, for example. Even if you conceivably somehow did not know right from wrong, God actually gave you every capacity to know right from wrong, so you have no excuse for not actually knowing right from wrong. So the murderer's claim of not knowing right from wrong is false and fraudulent....which is why all murder is an unforgivable sin in the eyes of God. There is no true repentance from murder....which is why the Death Penalty exists in the first place, because some sins are unforgivable and some sins CANNOT be repented of.

On the Maximized Perfection of God and the Maximized Perfection of God's Creation
Post Opinion