What the bible teaches about intellectual humility

What the bible teaches about intellectual humility

Intellectual humility might seem like an unnecessary skill - why not lie to yourself and deny you have flaws instead? As crazy as it sounds I’ve met people who would rather pretend to be smart or wise or confident or talented or kind than focusing on conducting their time and energy into authentically developing those skills.

for me intellectual humility means many things. One is to be happy when others achieve something even if they were previously mean to you or you attempted the same achievement as them and failed. Or being happy your best friend has a new boyfriend or girlfriend or best friend, even if it means they have less time and affection for you as a result. Or being happy somebody wrote a book in 2 years when you’ve been trying to write a book for 16 years and failed.

intellectual humility involves the ability to put aside what your own personal interest is to accommodate the interests of others. It also involves doing things you don’t feel happy or adapted to doing because it’s the most sincere or beneficial way to approach a problem. I know I like to wash dishes after doing my daily writing and reading or note taking but sometimes my dad expects me to operate according to his schedule and not mine.

or let’s say you really like doing work outs but hate stretches of you like running but hate weight training or you like macaroni and cheese but hate broccoli or you feel more comfortable in sporty clothes but your boss wants you to wear the uncomfortable dress pants instead.

competition and humility cannot co exist

humility says me after you

Competition says me but not you

I know I did not directly address the topic as there is no reference to academia or analysis but I wanted to address something new instead of rehashing the same ideas all over again

What the bible teaches about intellectual humility
6 Opinion