Why I don't think children should be taught religion at school

A lot of reality is as yet unexplained. However, there is no reason to fill gaps in the understanding of our universe with nonsensical and baseless non-explanations such as "its because god did it". Even worse to say; it's because god did it but only the god of Muslims or of Christians or of Hindus etc.

Why I dont think children should be taught religion at school

There are entire schools who teach children religious non-explanations as if they are real alternatives to proven facts like evolution. Even worse than schools, there are countries which have banned the proven scientific explanation of how life has progressed from it's first self replicating instance on earth. Saudi Arabia is one country which has banned children from learning the scientific theory of evolution. In Saudi Arabia, only the 12th grade advanced biology course mentions evolution, where in textbooks it is introduced as a fallacious and blasphemous theory, using the following introduction to the topic: “Nevertheless in the West appeared what is called "the theory of evolution’’ which was derived by the Englishman Charles Darwin, who denied Allah’s creation of humanity, saying that all living things and humans are from a single origin. We do not need to pursue such a theory because we have in the Book of Allah the final say regarding the origin of life, that all living things are Allah’s creation” They are essentially saying "god did it" and then give no explanation for how and they don't allow it to be questioned. In Saudi Arabia, it is also illegal to own a copy of "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, a famous scientist who has written many books demonstrating the irrefutable proof behind the theory evolution in layman's terms. It's even illegal just to be atheist or to renounce Islam there. Proven science is also illegal in the Sudan and even the United States has tried to resist the facts. One state I know of has banned the use of the word "evolution" and replaced it with "gradual change". Why? due to sensitivity regarding their mythology. No other reason.

This denial of facts and indoctrination of children in baseless non-explanations which may not be challenged causes a pernicious state of mind among the indoctrinated where they may become physically violent in trying to defend their unfounded beliefs or even in attempting to please the god they believe exists. They carry this attitude into adulthood and in the worst case scenarios end up causing the deaths of others in the name of their religion and it all stems from the fact that they are taught these benighted fairy tales from a young age and brought up to self identify with them to the point that any challenge to their beliefs is taken as a challenge to themselves.


Even here on girls ask guys I encounter victims of parochial indoctrination on a daily basis.These people often try to use arguments which point out gaps in current scientific knowledge as if that is some sort of evidence that "god did it". Or they play mystery cards like "how do you even know you don't exist?" They think existential philosophy over whether or not our senses can truly perceive reality is some kind of proof that god must exist! Anyone can tell that one does not correlate the other. Other common points are "just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist" and "You can't disprove what you can't prove" and they will use examples like wind being invisible and nobody being able to disprove the nulls of mythology. Where these people fail is on the fact that no proof of somethings' nonexistence isn't a reason to believe it exists! I couldn't disprove Little Red Riding Hood any more than the Bible but not many people would defend it as truth! This is where science and religion differ. So before people chime in with complaints like "science is faith based too" and "science has been proven wrong before" I need to point out that science is malleable in a way religion is not and faith based on imagined myths and faith in scientific results aren't the same. The bible says Adam and Eve were the first people and that god made Adam out of dust and that Eve was made out of one of Adam's ribs. Science disputes this and it does it with factual argument based on evidence. Religion says no because god said so - even though they never even heard god say it.

Children should be taught scientific facts at school and not mythology. They should also be taught how to recognise the difference between fact and mythology. If they want to learn about mythology, it should be done somewhere else and they should be allowed to question it.

Why SHOULD it be that way? Because the alternative is a lie.

Why I don't think children should be taught religion at school
Post Opinion