What the bible says about risk taking

What the bible says about risk taking

The book of Ecclesiastes says Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight, you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.

The way I view that verse is, to pursue every reasonable opportunity and try to maximize your chances through pluralistic multi-investing because you never know what the future will hold for your life, like my university forces everybody to either double major or specialize, and if you finish school with a double degree, you have double the chances of using your degree for professional advancement later on.

When I was working on my book, I played around with different genres like human psychology, poetry, creative story telling, literary analysis, academic instruction, dating, politics and religion, before deciding on my book idea. I also played around with different degrees for graduate school like education, librarian sciences, English, psychotherapy, creative writing, religion, theology and Hebrew before deciding I wanted to write instead of doing graduate school.

And when trying to decide on a romantic opportunity, I made sure to consider all scenarios such as a dead spouse, a job loss, a health issue in the marriage, infertility issues, pet allergies, language barriers with future in laws, living arrangements, food selection, dietary restrictions, and budgeting optimization when trying to plan my future prospective dream relationship. I’m single but I’ve worked hard to make sure me and my future husband will have money and happy living arrangements if we get together.

What the bible says about risk taking
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