Why your character matters more than your aptitude

Why your character matters more than your aptitude

I know three people with tested genius IQs that ended up unemployed, broke, or underpaid. All three had character issues and family transgressions and sins.

One person was a social coward, too terrified to talk to people or express her views, and was also an elitist snob that did not acknowledge ordinary people. She attempted her PhD 2-3 times after failing to find work and than moved to another country to visit one of the few places willing to give her a job offer.

I know a guy with a genius iq and is around 50 years old and has never slept with a woman and he has been attempting to make a living as a tutor charging very high fees for low quality service and can’t maintain a long term relationship due to his personality flaws and his habitual dishonesty and pseudo scamming.

I know a girl with a genius IQ but anger management and social control issues, she flunked out of a low tier college, now studies at one of the worst schools in the country, and has never been paid more than minimum wage or had a happy long term relationship.

The bible teaches your success is determined by your humility and your willingness to be honest, not by your intellectual gifts or genetic birth blessings.

Why your character matters more than your aptitude
3 Opinion