Is SCP 3812 the strongest character in all of fiction?


Read below for information on SCP 3812:

To understand SCP-3812, you need to understand the “Recursive Stack” reality model proposed by Dr. Scranton in the article itself. The model says that there are different layers to reality, each a multiverse to itself, and there exists infinite of them.

It says that every fictional narrative is completely real, and that that narrative exists “below” the parent narrative. It’s more of a pyramid than a stack, really.

Let’s take the TV show “Friends” as an example. Between us and “Friends”, there are three observable stacked universes. First, there’s the baseline, our universe, then there’s the Stack below us which is the universe of “Friends,” and (if you’ve forgotten) in “Friends” the character Joey is an actor in a fictional TV show called “Days of our Lives.” This show, is also a Stack, and is placed underneath the universe of “Friends.”

So, SCP-3812 is a realitybender created by djKaktus to be a reality bender that can go “up” these stacks, to transcend fictional narratives. This is what the actual SCP is. The SCP is created by Kaktus with the goal of being an omnipotent reality bender that can go up these stacks. This kind of knowledge drives 3812 insane and makes him unable to differentiate between reality and fiction because, to him, they are one and the same. Literally.

SCP 3812 is infinitely transcending fictional narratives.

Is SCP 3812 the strongest character in all of fiction?
Yes he's the strongest.
No there's stronger characters.
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Is SCP 3812 the strongest character in all of fiction?
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