What made you choose your system of spiritual belief?


For me I was raised in a Christian household. Church every Sunday, Bible study every Wednesday, devotion every day before school. I became one who spread the word of god to almost everyone I met. I even made my best friend get saved when I was in the 1st grade. I was myopic. I would force religion onto others just as it had been done to me. When I was a Sophomore in high school I really enjoyed the rapping of Hopsin. When he dropped the Ill Mind of Hopsin 7, hearing that was truly the first time I questioned my faith. Despite following Christianity in a devout manner, there was something always off about it, deep in the pit of my gut. I would go online and argue with atheists for hours about Christianity being the truth, but I always felt uncomfortable in church. After hearing that song I began to truly look into WHY I was a Christian. What proof did I have? In reality, I only identified as Christian because my parents forced me into it. I had been following a religion blindly, with 0 thought put into it. After that when I went to debate atheists, I found my arguments changed when dogma was removed from my mind. I could no longer argue the validity of Christianity. After a while of researching it myself, Christianity no longer made sense to me. Things like Noah’s ark being an impossible story. A boat measuring only 300 cubits in volume could never hold two of each animal on earth. Why were there no dinosaurs, giraffes or kangaroos in the Bible? Things that wouldn’t have been observed by those that wrote it? The more and more I thought about it, the more illogical the Bible became. Eventually I renounced Christianity and for the first time I identified as Agnostic. It felt relieving in all honesty. As if a boot had just been lifted off the back of my neck. For the longest time I was a man of science. Going off the principle of believing only that which can be scientifically proven. That changed this year however. I’ll continue the story in an update

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Continuing the story: This year I decided to get into tarot readings. It was a spur of the moment thing. I’ve been using an app called Spoon for some years now and there are many people on there that do short tarot readings for free. I would usually avoid those live streams but around march something had called out to me. You see I’ve been suicidal since I was 13, I’m 23 now and still have suicidal thoughts. In march I had ordered gun and was planning to end it but for my New Years resolution
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I wrote that this year 2022 would be my year as it’s the year of the tiger, which I was born in in 1998. Something called out to me and told me to get a tarot reading and I did. At first I thought they were generic and could be applied to anything but the readings became more specific and many things they predicted became true, like that I would be friend someone, we would have a very deep bond but our friendship would end quickly do to fighting. That happened exactly as described
What made you choose your system of spiritual belief?
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